Pinning on a contaminated cake

Started by dan, June 04, 2009, 07:34:36 AM

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I have my cakes in my fc and one is starting to pin.  I noticed a green spec on the top of the cake on the other side of the cake.  What should I do?  Cut off a portion of the cake or use the peroxide/water method?  Its been so long since I got some fruit, I dont want to loose these cakes.  HELP!!!!!!

psilocybin warrior

Cut it out, fill with table salt.



cover it with a salt paste, cutting it out just spreads the spoes. salt the area and an inch beyond. it should slow it enough that you get a flush then you can dump if it shows up agian.

Increase air exchange. Fresh air exchange is your number 1 defense against contamination during fruiting


I seem to agree with PW cuz everything I have read says to cut it out then salt it.  But with me, if I am in doubt I just throw it out .. I don't even screw with it.  I'd rather start over and get it right.




ill start a new thread so this guy doesn't think we are stealing it


i should have mentioned also that to be sure that you are not confusing brusing with mold. Some strains will bruise more green than blue.

mould looks like coloured sand ontop of the mycelium.

Brusiing is the colour of the mycelium itself

psilocybin warrior

I've never seen a pf-cake thats buised green, especially 1 spec....on the very top.


Davie K

i have a whole top of a cake bruised or molding light blue...?  looks like its in the tissue of the cake. not sure, keepin an eye on it


have you tried the Q-tip test? if not, you take a Q-tip wet it a little and wipe the spot in question. if  it comes off on the Q-tip it contams.. if not its bruising...

psilocybin warrior

Did you or anything else touch the cake where it's blueing?